Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Day 3 (night) & Day 4 (4th of July)

Eating soup on the second day...(is this NUS or HKU group ? Not sure...)

Anne what are you doing behind Clarence?

What? Fireworks? Star-spangled banners?
Yeah it's the 4th of July celebrations for me! Phew, I am so relieved on two accounts.

That Kg Baru Studio Group has got some direction...(Thanks Juminan & Shaiful of DBKL & Prof Ho-Yin of HKU) and secondly, Megat and I can be more relaxed now finally!

I just cannot multi-task well, doing two things at a time. The bad habit is 'dwelling too much on one thing', and that must be because of being trained as a designer.

Megat managed to do a good set of slides. All credit to him. Well...I just supplied some of the pics and the paper - he made it more credible. It takes a lot of work for two people to do a joint paper and actually having it done EQUALLY (the work load). I think we actually did it 50-50!

I think the 5th years are really doing a great job. They all looked so tired, but shouldering on...and Mei Ming looks so tired too...Everyone so tired, but got to push on and make it to the finishing line...

Suddenly I wish we were in California...haha...and go see some fireworks... oh oh that reminds me - USC -UM Program...(Blank...) No, cannot dwell on that... wait a couple of days and then dwell...

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